President and Chief Executive Officer
Ilias holds a PhD in Biochemistry. Immediately after his graduation in 1994 from the Montpellier University, he was recruited in the Montpellier Blood Transfusion Center to produce anti-erythrocyte monoclonal antibodies. He soon headed the Plasmatic Drug Department. He invented and patented a purification method for human plasmatic albumin and also discovered the role of the ApoH protein as an infectious agent ligand.
In 1993, he decides to pursue his work on the ApoH protein for the IRD, a French Research Agency. During this period, he files another 3 patents covering ApoH’s properties in the diagnostic and therapeutic fields.
In 2000, he creates ApoH-Technologies, where he naturally directs the R&D department in addition to his responsibilities as CEO.

Francisco VEAS PhD
Chief Scientific Officer
Francisco received a Comparative Pathology Doctorate in 1986 at the Montpellier University. After several experiences in parasitology, he focuses his research on emerging viral diseases including HIV and Dengue. He is charged with creating multiple technologic platforms for sequencing, proteomics, biosafety level laboratories for containment of dangerous agents (BSL2 and BSL3), etc. Francisco brings his expertise in viral Immuno-Physiopathology to ApoH-Technologies, which he co-founded with Ilias.
He is currently Research Director at the Montpellier IRD Health Department. He heads the Comparative Molecular Immuno-Physiopathology Lab in Montpellier and he is also Deputy Director of the research unit UMR-MD3, located in Marseille. He develops, coordinates and directs many research programs, notably:
- virus discovery in Amazonas (IDDEAA project in 2013)
- unique Ebola diagnostics leading to early treatment (IF-EBOLA consortium in 2014).
He is regularly call on as an expert evaluator of Excellence Research Programs in Infectious Diseases by the NIH (USA), WHO, the French National Research Agency (ANR), the IRD Commission of Biology (CSS2); the French Business-Supporting Agency OSEO, etc.
His scientific activities and publications and patents are dedicated to pathogen-host interactions, including innate immunity, viral physiopathology, vaccines and diagnostics.

Research Engineer
In 2007, Estelle is hired by ApoH-Technologies shortly after graduating from the Montpellier University, with a Biotechnology Engineer Master’s degree. In parallel to her professional activities, she successfully passes the Technology Research Diploma in 2009 by presenting her work on «Developing ApoH supports for bacteria capture».
She currently is in charge of the production department and supervises all bacteriology projects at ApoH-Technologies.